Novaura - Employee Benefits & Insurance Insights

Beyond the Paycheck: 5 Ways to Show You Value Your Employees

Written by Novaura | 12/1/23 10:12 PM

Employees are the backbone of your company. They drive growth and ensure stability and success. But office life is hectic, and showing appreciation can sometimes slip through the cracks or put as an “I’ll do it later” item on your to-do list.

Yet, when employees are recognized for their efforts, they are more engaged and productive and put their hearts into their work when they feel it matters. The numbers don't lie:  Happy employees are 20% more productive.  

Here are five straightforward ways to show your employees they're appreciated and valued.

1. Say thank you. Really.

Acknowledgment in the workplace can be as rare as a quiet day at the office. You know employees are doing their best, but instead of keeping it to yourself, a simple "thank you" can make their day. Whether through a quick email, during a meeting, or in a Slack message, acknowledging effort with sincere gratitude is powerful. Here are some examples of ways to say "thank you":

  • "Fantastic job on this project! You did awesome."
  • "You nailed it with this one – thank you for your hard work!"
  • "Your effort has not gone unnoticed. Excellent work!"

These aren't just pleasantries; they're fuel for continued excellence and high morale.

2. Surprise time off

After completing a challenging week or a significant project, an unexpected afternoon (or week!) off can do wonders. Surprise time off rewards past efforts and refreshes your team for future challenges.

3. Team outings

Taking your team out for a meal or an activity, such as a group movie or an escape room, strengthens relationships and builds community. Shared experiences away from the office remind everyone they're not just colleagues but team members with a shared mission.

4. Public recognition

When someone meets a professional goal or excels in their role, celebrate it so that everyone can see it. Share their success with a company-wide email, a social media shout-out, or during a team gathering. Public recognition reinforces a culture of appreciation and inspires others to celebrate their team’s successes.

5. Personal notes

If you want to go beyond writing a text message or a thank you email, then whip out some fancy stationery and a pen! In an era of digital overload, handwritten notes add a personal touch to your thank-yous. For milestones or standout efforts, a handwritten note shows you recognize and value their contributions personally. 

Make recognition a part of your workday 

Recognition should be an everyday ritual, not an afterthought. Valued employees don't just work harder; they become advocates of your mission. Be careful to offer your recognition and praise when you really mean it, though. People are good at picking up on something that feels disingenuous and will stop taking you seriously if you’re not careful. Offer specifics on what you appreciate about a person’s contribution, and be thoughtful in how you go about it. By fostering a culture that celebrates every individual, you're improving morale, cultivating loyalty, and driving success.

The return on investment for showing your employees they're valued is immeasurable. It echoes through their work quality, company loyalty, and the very culture of your workplace.

Final thoughts 

Remember, appreciation is not a bonus—it's a necessary part of a thriving company. Keep seeking ways to show gratitude. Your employees are the fuel of your business engine, deserving of recognition. They'll repay you with a dedication that's priceless.

Creating a workplace where everyone feels recognized, valued, and part of a winning team isn't just about retention or productivity—it's about building a solid community. And that's the ultimate marker of a successful business.


Content provided by Q4intelligence 

Photo by andrewmakedonski